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Waiting List
This is a waitlist. Order proccess only begins when the turn is yours.
Status | Context | |
CLOSED | • | Slot is not available at the moment. |
OPEN | • | Slot is available for reservation. |
RESERVED | • | Slot is reserved, the commissioner is waiting for their turn. |
PENDING | • | It's the turn of the reserver. |
WAITING | • | The commissioner has completed the payment. |
FINISHED | • | The commission is finished and it's been sent to the commissioner. |
Slot Status | Name | Commission | Type | Start Date | Deadline | Completed |
PENDING | Miguel Torres | 2 Character Design | Render | - | No deadline | - |
RESERVED | MercyScorch | - | - | - | No deadline | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - |
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